Signs of a positive new direction
A look at the issues shaping our industry
Monday, 21 Sep 2015 14:20 GMT
When I first took up the editor’s chair in 2010 the industry was not in the best of states. We were constantly hearing news of companies going out of business and some of the larger manufacturers suffering financial troubles of their own. However, despite all this doom and gloom, we were still able to pick out some of the more upbeat stories that demonstrated our fighting spirit here in the sign world. And while we may have been talking about green shoots back then, here in 2015, these shoots have grown into something much more impressive.
When flicking through this month’s edition of the magazine, just take time to look at some of the success stories that we have reported on. A few years ago, stories like this were few and far between; however, nowadays, it seems as if we something of an endless supplies of positive news.
One story that perfectly demonstrates the depth of the UK sign industry is Hollywood Monster, which is doing so well that has started up a myriad of projects to promote women’s sport through sponsorship, namely in football and cycling. The firm is also seeing continued growth and has been ploughing money back into technology investment and extra staff.
Delving deeper into the UK industry, you find news that gives further proof of the ongoing growth that we are experiencing at present. For example, the news of Allen Signs which not long after the opening of a new regional office has acquired the printing division of Double Red.
There are plenty more examples I could give, but I do not want to give too much away before you have even had chance to look through this month’s magazine. But what I will say is this; why not have a look through your draws and compare this month’s issue to one from the summer of 2010. Just have a look at the types of stories we covered and consider how much of a better state the market is in now than it was then.