Of tech gurus and digital walls
Just as many in our industry had begun to get to grips with regularly specifying, installing, and even supplying the artwork for technology such as digital signage posters (see p49), are things all about to change again? A recent report in Nature highlights the research by a tech guru, who until recently was only well-known within the bounds of the academic elite. Indeed, Harish Bhaskaran’s findings are almost as impressive as his title, being as he is the associate professor of Materials Advanced Nanoscale
The evolution of digital signage in retail and how Wavetec’s Donatello solution can be used in this environment
Made in Britain, a label to be proud of
Turning on the box one Thursday evening and leaving it on BBC 2 as I made my way to the kitchen through the detritus of toys left strewn across our house by my energetic one-year-old, I was stopped in my tracks by these words: “British manufacturing has so much to be proud of, […] manufacturing the right product, in the right market, at the right time, matters enormously.”