Does what it says on the tin
When optimism and belief meet reality it creates a fairy tale scenario. Whether it is veteran rugby legend Dan Carter breaking world records in his last ever appearance for the victorious All Blacks; Lewis Hamilton taking his third Formula 1 World Championship and becoming the first ever back-to-back British winner; or the run-away success of a brand new print exhibition, an event that many of the old guard in the UK industry said would never get off the ground—the result is the same. Sometimes, just someti
The little engine that could
Well, it has been emotional. At 10:00 on October 22nd 2014 it was announced that a new player had entered the field of event-organisation, launching a brand new exhibition for the print industry and its satellite sectors. The Print Show’s birth was met with a mixture of incredulity, humour, and hopefulness from an industry that has been through the wringer and back—slammed by the global recession harder than almost any other sector of the UK economy.