I am very excited to be taking over as online editor here at Signlink. I’ve been spending my first week getting to grips with the really important stuff such as the key responsibilities of my role, major industry trends, and, crucially, learning how everyone takes their coffee.
Isn’t it nice to see the major media outlets giving us some good news for change?
We are under attack!” went out the cry from our in-house tech-wiz Lucas, who had just received a message from our e-mail provider to tell us that our sign7tv.com video sharing and broadcast news website was attempting to send out thousands of spam e-mails from its verification service.
It is always with a feeling of slight disorientation that I contemplate the year ahead, as all the information, images, and experiences wash across me from the one just gone. The strange belief most of us hold on to though is that everything is set back to zero, with the notion that we can effect real change in our businesses and lives just because a calendar date has clicked round.