Get on to your bank
A look at the issues shaping our industry
Thursday, 23 May 2013 15:09 GMT
As the hype and fanfare of the exhibition season continues unabated, it is worth remembering that the United Kingdom has missed a triple dip recession by only the narrowest of margins.
Now, 0.3 percent growth may not sound very much, but for the Government and industry sectors across the nation it is a metaphorical gulp of air to the drowning man. Putting this into context, out of the G20 club of big economies, the UK's relative performance both inside and outside its EU grouping has been the second worst over the last five years—beaten to the bottom only by Italy.
Ok, doom and gloom over, now lets look at some news that could spell a turn in fortunes for thousands of struggling firms across our sector”
Ok, doom and gloom over, now lets look at some news that could spell a turn in fortunes for thousands of struggling firms across our sector.
If you are a supplier or big sign-maker, with roughly ten employees or more, then bank credit is easier to come by; the banks like high revenue over good profit margins every time.
This represents a key problem to the Government, as without the small fry growing up into big fish, there will be nothing for them to catch down the line. So, in response the Bank of England announced a new lending scheme in late April for banks, which will see funding for such activities increased.
The scheme lowers the cost to banks for their own borrowing, with savings theoretically being passed to customers. The 'carrot' is banks that provide credit to smaller businesses—relatively a huge swathe of our industry—will get £10 of extra funding support for each £1 they lend. The 'stick' is banks that trim lending will see discounts withdrawn. Now, my instant reaction to this bit of news was, “bloody hell the banks have it cushy.” But, like it or lump it, this is very welcome news and information that should be made crystal clear to that reluctant 'account manager' at your bank. Is this where it all turns around? Fingers crossed.