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British displays feature in New York exhibition

Displays manufactured by a Yorkshire firm have been put on show at the Brooklyn Museum in New York as part of an exhibition about Frida Kahlo.

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Leach was tasked with creating lightboxes for a New York exhibition

Leach handmade two ultra-illuminated lightboxes 3,000 miles away in its Huddersfield headquarters, which are now on display as part of the museum’s exhibit, Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving.

The lightboxes measure 3.4m wide by 2.5m tall and feature bright colours to reflect the feel of the exhibition. It is the largest US exhibition in 10 years dedicated to Kahlo, featuring paintings, photographs, film and personal artefacts from her home.

Leach is part of Chargeurs Group, a global manufacturing and services brand with a philanthropic foundation which works to improve access to cultural goods and services, improve health and education and nurture cultural dialogue among global communities. The collaboration with Brooklyn Museum is a part of this worldwide objective. 

We’ve worked on some incredible heritage projects across the globe and adding the Brooklyn Museum to our roster of clients is very exciting indeed

Tom Foster, project director at Leach, says: “We’ve worked on some incredible heritage projects across the globe and adding the Brooklyn Museum to our roster of clients is very exciting indeed.

“The museum contains one of the nation’s most comprehensive and wide-ranging collections, spanning 5,000 years of creativity from various cultures worldwide, and it’s amazing to think that displays manufactured by our own creative technicians now welcome visitors to this iconic venue.”

Anne Pasternak, the Shelby White and Leon Levy director at Brooklyn Museum, adds: “We would like to thank Chargeurs for their generous support of this vital exhibition. The stunning Leach-designed lightboxes at the entry to our exhibition truly set the stage for a magnificent experience.”

Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving runs until May 12th, 2019.

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