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The Cook Shop makes a stir

A historic Ohio street has been transformed by a cookshop and its 280sq ft mural which directs passers-by to its store in a quirky and creative way.

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Local sign firm, Signality, installed the soft vinyl wrap ad on a brick wall around the corner of the store to attract customers

The Cook Shop which offers a variety of cutlery, bakeware, cookware, and kitchen tools, has adopted a vintage-style theme in its design. Local sign and graphic firm, Signality, spent almost a day installing the huge soft vinyl wrap ad on a brick wall around the corner to the cooking store.

Using a special heat gun holder/roller combo to heat the wrap as it was rolled down, the firm applied 3M Envision Wrap SV480Cm3-10 vinyl and matching laminate (3M8548) to the wall.

We had to segment everything to print it and then lay it all down on the brick, with all the seams matching up as perfect as you can get them. Not to mention your arms getting tired from installing it all! This particular mural took pretty much all day

Commenting on the project, Cassandra Bateson, production manager at Signality says: “One of the biggest challenges was the size of it all. The Cook Shop mural clocks in at about 280sq ft.

“We had to segment everything to print it and then lay it all down on the brick, with all the seams matching up as perfect as you can get them. Not to mention your arms getting tired from installing it all! This particular mural took pretty much all day.”

A project of this size is no problem for the sign and graphics company which as has installed a number of brick wrap murals in the area of Marietta, Ohio.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk, or join in with the conversation on Twitter.

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