New beginnings
Analysis of key industry shaping trends
Wednesday, 17 Jan 2018 09:25 GMT
I hope you enjoyed the Christmas break and are refreshed ready for a new year. January is the perfect time for new beginnings, whether it is a personal goal you have made or a business one.
I know New Year’s resolutions have become somewhat cliché but even having a small idea in your mind, such as ‘offer a new product to our customers’ or ‘ramp up our social media posts’ could make a difference.
If it is new ideas you are after, and you are interested in the garment decoration industry, then you should look no further than the upcoming exhibition at the NEC, Printwear and Promotion Live.
Even having a small idea in your mind, such as 'offer a new product to our customers' or 'ramp up our social media posts' could make a difference”
As a sign-maker, you might want to think about expanding the services you offer, so why not be able to offer a customer that wants posters some branded t-shirts to match?
I spoke to the event’s director on page 43 to find out what is in store, and also discuss the brought forward dates of the event that means visitors can get a first look at new clothing lines. The continued expansion of the show has meant it has had to move into bigger halls, which were available in January, resulting in the date change.
If you are looking to make a big change in 2018, have you thought about taking on a new business? HNS Signs is looking for a passionate individual to buy the thriving business and keep it in the limelight. Turn to page 14 for more.
Read our January issue in our online