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Coca-Cola creates a buzz

Coca-Cola has treated Londoners to a Christmassy surprise through its advertisements in the Oxford Circus tube tunnel.

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Coca-Cola uses signage and wide-format print to boost its Christmas campaigns

MediaCom, Global Outdoor and Coca-Cola worked together to create five-panel sheets which featured the scent of cinnamon.

In the run-up to the festive period, busy commuters were treated to the sweet smell which was chosen to give people a sense of Christmas nostalgia and spark joy.

The latest in Coca-Cola’s Christmas marketing strategy, the imagery featured on the wide-format printed panels show images of friends celebrating with bottles of the fizzy drink.

The adverts tie in with the ongoing ‘Holidays Are Coming’ television campaign which is running throughout the Christmas period.

By generating a buzz around the truck’s visits to various cities in the UK, the beverage giant is the talk of the town in the winter months

Another way Coca-Cola spreads the message of its products during the festive period is through its much-loved Christmas Truck Tour. Visitors to the truck have the chance to try a limited edition cinnamon flavoured Coke.

The company uses vehicle graphics in its iconic red branding to advertise on the move. By generating a buzz around the truck’s visits to various cities in the UK, the beverage giant is the talk of the town in the winter months.

In 1995, the first Coca-Cola truck was launched on television. Created by agency W.B. Doner the illuminated lorries were brought to life with special effects by Industrial Light and Magic – the company behind the Star Wars films.

Six years later in 2001 and the truck made its first debut in the real world with a trip across the USA. In 2010, Great Britain was treated to its very own tour.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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