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Weedoo can-do with new investment

Berkshire sign company Weedoo Signs has been the latest to discover the transformative power of flatbed in terms of production efficiency.

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Weedoo Signs has recently purchased a Mimaki JFX200 flatbed from Printmax to help boost its productivity

The firm has recently purchased a Mimaki JFX200 flatbed from large format supplier Printmax to help produce increased orders for a variety of indoor and outdoor graphics and signs.

Stewart Barker, general manager of Weedoo Signs, says: “Having estimated the work we can put through our Mimaki JFX200 in comparison to our current operations, we are confident that we are making the best investment in order to create a more efficient and profitable business going forward.

“We look forward to taking on much larger work in higher quantities.”

We are confident that we are making the best investment in order to create a more efficient and profitable business going forward

Previously, the company reports, Weedoo created its signs in a three-stage process; printing, mounting, and laminating. With its new flatbed, however, only one stage will be required, as the JFX200 can print directly onto a wide range of substrates.

Printmax managing director, Michael Bolton, comments: “We needed to be able to offer a solution that allowed us to assist our customers in their growth. Weedoo Signs is a prime example of this, by being able to supply the Mimaki JFX200 flatbed we were able to continue to support one of our most loyal customers going forward.”
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