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Baronian Mfg toasts ArtCAM

In a fine example of the artful use of software, sign manufacturer Baronian Mfg has employed technology from software developer Delcam to produce a range of signage for California-based Michael David Winery.

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California-based Michael David Winery commissioned Baronian Mfg to produce a range of signage for its tasting room, café, and grocery on Highway 12

The hundred-year old winemaker contracted Segale’s Fine Art and Gold Leaf to create unique designs for its tasting room, café, and grocery on Highway 12. The design firm came up with elegant lettering, incorporating the winery’s logo of two corkscrews with their blades crossed.

Baronian Mfg then scanned and vectorized the image, importing it into ArtCAM and generating a program for the CNC router, which cut out a section as a sample prior to approval.

Danny Baronian comments: “The signs look great and the client loves them; this is an excellent example of how working with ArtCAM helps us build beautiful signs.

The signs look great and the client loves them; this is an excellent example of how working with ArtCAM helps us build beautiful signs

“ArtCAM provides an extremely wide range of tools that give us the ability to quickly and easily define nearly any geometry that anyone would want to use on a sign. It also gives us the ability to efficiently produce anything that we can imagine on a CNC router.”

Baronian continues, paying tribute to the postive impact the software is having on business: “By taking advantage of ArtCAM’s tools we can continually produce interesting and unusual designs that exceed our clients’ expectations.”

He concludes: “When someone walks in the door with a project for me to bid on, I have a high level of confidence that I will be able to design it and generate a program to quickly and efficiently build it on my CNC router.”

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