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Agfa launches Asanti wide-format workflow

Agfa has launched a new wide-format workflow Asanti, as its director of software claims that a workflow can help trim as much as 50 percent off a sign and display business' costs

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Agfa was displaying the software alongside a host of other kit at FESPA 2013

The program, a completely automated workflow for web-to-print, pre-flighting and colour management was launched at FESPA 2013 last week.

“We talked to many sign and display customers who were looking at our existing print engines and what their challenges were,” says Andrew Grant, director of software.

He adds: “It has at its core the Apogee workflow (commercial printing) engine but with a complete new interface and ease of use that is designed for the sign and display market.”

He says that sign and display is going on the same journey that prepress in the rest of the print industry went on years ago.

“There's a lot of clever individuals doing a lot of work but its all very manual,” says Grant, adding: “More and more work is coming in and their buying new devices and offering new services.

“Businesses also need to increase efficiencies and for that you need workflow and automation, you can't try to manage that process from device to device.

“You've got to step it up a little. It's clear you can make significant savings in terms of the amount of skilled labour that you need on site, perhaps as much as thirty to fifty percent.”
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