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Billboards in US city at risk

Wenatchee City Council plans to remove all billboards from the Washington, US-based city in the next five to ten years.

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The City wants to preserve the natural landscape and avoid adverse effects on pedestrians and drivers

In a letter penned by the City of Wenatchee department of community development, the City says it has begun a process to identify all existing billboards with the intent to “amortize” them out over a five to ten-year time frame.

A public hearing with planning commission is due to take place on December 11th and one with Wenatchee City Council on December 12th.

This is the result of the City of Wenatchee having begun to update and amend the city’s Sign Code in Chapter 10.50 of the Wenatchee City Code (WCC).

As well as updating its sign standards, the issue of billboards and “non-conforming” on-site and off-site signs was discussed.

During the public hearings, the planning commission and City Council will hear from public statements and testimonies for the following legislative and hearing process.

...intentions are to “encourage effective sign communication that is responsive to the needs of the public in locating establishments by identification, address, product and/or service information"

The Wenatchee City Council Sign Code update states the council’s intentions are to “encourage effective sign communication that is responsive to the needs of the public in locating establishments by identification, address, product and/or service information”.

The council also aims to enhance the visual character and identity of the city and reduce “clutter” and “visual distraction,” as well as enhancing and protecting property values and the quality of life by preserving and enhancing the appearance of the “streetscape”.

Another agenda is to ensure that signs in the city do not “adversely affect pedestrian and traffic safety by obstructing vehicle sight distance interfering with official traffic signs, signals and devices which unduly direct attention away from the demands of safe driving”.

The proposed removal of all billboards in the city could impact out-of-home and billboard operators and providers such as Lamar and Outfront – both of which operate billboards in the city.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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