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Fundraiser launched for local billboard project

A fundraising campaign has been launched by AdBlock Bristol to raise money to transform Bristol’s billboards into works of art.

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The project aims to transform the city’s billboards with art. Image: AdBlock Bristol

The campaign group describes itself as an organisation “opposed to billboards and other corporate outdoor advertising” and prefers displays and signage that reflect the values of local communities and the economy.

The group’s latest fundraising campaign is raising money for The Burg Arts project – a community arts billboard in St Werburghs, Bristol.

Having debuted in 2010 and featured a series of artwork over the following three years, the billboard project re-launched at the start of this year.

To kick off the launch, new artwork was installed on an unused billboard which featured references to historic campaigns against corporate advertising billboards.

Designed by Matt Bonner in partnership with the St Werburghs Neighbourhood Association and AdBlock Bristol, the piece also incorporated visual concepts of the views of local residents.

To kick off the launch, new artwork was installed on an unused billboard which featured references to historic campaigns against corporate advertising billboards

Last year, St Werburghs Neighbourhood Association ran a campaign which saw the removal of six out of 13 billboards in the area.

The latest piece of artwork to be installed on the billboard is by Matt Mason and focuses on digitally constructed colourful, geometric patterns in peacock-style colours.

AdBlock Bristol is campaigning to raise £660 between August and November to fund the next six months of the project.

The money raised will cover printing and installation costs for three full-colour, 20ft wide x 10ft tall billboard artworks to be on display until February 2020.

The group will also use £300 of the funds raised for six months rental of the disused billboard from the landlord.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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