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UK electricity generation at lowest since 1994

New research has shown a drop in the country’s electricity generation, thanks in part to developments such as LED lightbulbs. Could producing energy-efficient LED lightbulbs be an area sign-makers could move into?

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As a country, the UK is becoming more energy-efficient. This could present an opportunity for sign-makers already working with LED

A third of the UK’s total electricity generated was from renewable sources in 2018, according to new analysis from climate science website Carbon Brief.

Demand for electricity peaked in 2005, but lower per-capita electricity generation and cleaner supplies have contributed to the reduction in power sector CO2 emissions. The UK removed traditional incandescent bulbs from the market in 2009, and energy-hungry halogen lightbulbs were given the boot across Europe in 2018.

Despite their higher costs, the use of LED lightbulbs is growing. For a higher price, users can expect a much longer lifetime from their bulbs and a significant reduction on the amount of energy used to power them.

Sign-makers are no strangers to light-up lettering using often stylised LED bulbs, so they are well-positioned to consider manufacturing everyday LED bulbs

With many sign-makers already utilising LED in their work, how easy would it be to move into manufacturing LED bulbs for the market?

Sign-makers are no strangers to light-up lettering using often stylised LED bulbs, so they are well-positioned to consider manufacturing everyday LED bulbs for the general public as another potential revenue stream.

The skills gained through sign-writing and sign-making methods can be applied in a range of applications, not just within signage. With more consumers looking for personalised products, sign-makers are at the advantage of being able to offer a lot of these services without extra training. From interior design to vehicle livery, there are not many applications sign-makers cannot turn their hands to.

If you have a news story, email summer@linkpublishing.co.uk or follow us on Twitter to have your say.

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