Positive interest from customers at AXYZ open day
AXYZ International recently held its first open day of 2018 at the Royal Air Force Museum, allowing customers to get to grips with the company’s routing, cutting, and print finishing systems.
Friday, 16 Feb 2018 13:54 GMT
AXYZ International’s Robert Marshall was pleased with the positive interest from new and existing customers
AXYZ International’s vice president of market development, Robert Marshall, says: “It was one of the best of the open day events held so far, attracting a large number of existing and potential new customers and facilitating demonstrations throughout the day of selected machines from the extensive AXYZ portfolio.
“It also allowed promotion of our 24/7 online resource for tooling options, spare parts, accessories, and consumables. Application specialists were on hand to answer questions, provide technical support, and discuss our bespoke product training courses.”
The recently upgraded AXYZ Trident hybrid CNC combined routing/cutting machine and AXYZ 4000 series Twin Z router were the key products on display and were shown handling different materials to highlight specific machining capabilities.
This first 2018 open day has built on the success of its predecessors.”
AXYZ International also announced new production tool enhancements, including a kiss-cut knife-cutting tool, a high-speed 8.7HP 40,000rpm router spindle, and an expanded ATC facility.
Marshall adds: “This first 2018 open day has built on the success of its predecessors. I was particularly impressed with the positive interest shown by many of our prime existing as well as the number of potential new customers who visited the event which serves as an indicator of the ongoing business strength and market status of AXYZ International.”