On my way! Now inkjet gets its own conference
If you had any doubts about the growth of inkjet technology then worry no more.
Tuesday, 05 Aug 2014 14:19 GMT
Call me: people will be heading to the conference
The multi-million pound industry is to have its own conference sponsored by drupa this autumn. The aim is to bring experts, suppliers and researchers together for a pow-wow hosted by ESMA the non-profit association for specialist printing manufacturers of screen and digital print technology.
The Inkjet Conference will bring 60 presentations across the three tracks, seven VIP rooms, training room and master classes as well as a table top exhibition with 55 companies”
The Inkjet Conference will take place from September 30 to October 1, in the German city of Düsseldorf. Over the course of two days, information will be presented in three main areas of technical, fluids and academic. The technical focus includes inkjet engineering, fluid systems, precision engineering, print heads, digital asset management, RIPs, color calibration and workflow. Fluids includes ink components, nano particles, laboratory equipment, rheometers, particle size analyzers, conductive inks, aqueous inks and UV inks; while the academic side will cover universities and research institutes who are invited to present their non-commercial work papers.
Peter Buttiens of ESMA comments: "ESMA has been organizing conferences over the past seven years in different fields such as Computer-To-Screen (CTS), GlassPrint, Membrane switch, Advanced Functional and Industrial printing.
“The Inkjet Conference will bring 60 presentations across the three tracks, seven VIP rooms, training room and master classes as well as a table top exhibition with 55 companies. It will be not only the networking opportunity of the year but also the place to see all the necessary technology in one spot and the fertile breeding ground for new disruptive innovation and development."
Will you be going to the conference? Let us know what your views are on injet please to harry@linkpublishing.co.uk
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