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Look at our amazing school signage [+vid]

The Village School is no ordinary school as you can see from the extraordinary giant images of children that adorn the frontage.

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Pupil friendly: the school sends out a message through its signage

In the last few months the Brent school has undergone massive changes, transforming the buildings and grounds into an environment for its intake of children in North London with a wide range of complex needs. Cobal Signs has helped in the changes creating wayfinding signage as an integral part of the design allowing pupils to not only find their way around a new, purpose-built £29m school more easily, but also providing them with a greater sense of identity and belonging.

The Village School accommodates children with a wide range of complex needs, including physical, medical and sensory impairment. With more than 200 staff, including teachers, personal care staff and therapists, wayfinding plays a key role in ensuring staff, pupils and visitors are able to find their way around the school quickly, easily, and safely.

Cobal Signs of Newbury creates design-led solutions for the built environment. The firms says they care about the environment and are committed to develop products that are from sustainable materials

The headteacher Kay Charles says: “The Village School has 235 pupils aged two to 19 catering for a wide range of complex needs; all levels of learning, communication, ASD, physical, medical and sensory impairment.

“We take pride in our inclusive philosophy and our commitment that all our children can make progress and it is their entitlement.  There are 185 staff employed by the school including teachers, teaching assistants, personal care staff, lunchtime supervisors, therapists, administration and technical staff, site management and family workers.  There is an extensive and comprehensive training programme in place for all our community.”

Cobal Signs of Newbury creates design-led solutions for the built environment. The firms says they care about the environment and are committed to develop products that are from sustainable materials. Their stated aim is, ‘to focus not only on our carbon footprint but also to be mindful of our role in reducing the footprint of our customers and supply chain’.

Charles appears on the video below describing how pleased she is with the work of all concerned in establishing the school.

Your views please to harry@linkpublishing.co.uk

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Below is the video about the school’s opening:


The Village School

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