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Planning red tape workshops promised at show

Are you confused by the plethora of planning laws and European regulations governing signs and signage?

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Eyes down: sign-makers have a chance to learn about planning red tape

Well the British Sign and Graphic Association (BSGA) are holding workshops at Sign and Digital UK to help enlighten sign-makers in the complexities of the law.

The first workshop is an introduction to new standards for sign design and construction and will explain what the new European Standards demand from both sign manufacturers and sign buyers.

The fact is that, in the near future, failure to meet the standards could result in criminal proceedings and custodial sentences for offenders

The second workshop will deal with the vexed matter of planning and, in particular how planning law has a direct impact on sign maintenance. Delegates will also be told about a new addendum to BS599 covering sign maintenance and warranties.

“Like it or not, the sign industry in the UK is having to come to terms with increasing legislation governing its activities,” says David Dyke of the BSGA. “While the latest legislation will have a direct impact on virtually every sign business involved in manufacturing and installing signs, not all sign-makers are fully aware of the requirements. The fact is that, in the near future, failure to meet the standards could result in criminal proceedings and custodial sentences for offenders.

“As a service to BSGA members and to the industry at large, we are running the workshops at Sign and Digital UK to explain what the changes are and what must be done to meet the new require-ments.
Sign and Digital UK 2014 runs from 29th April to 1st May 2014 in Hall 2 at the NEC, Birmingham. The BSGA workshops will feature on each day of the show.

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