Battle to save sign-making courses in Scotland
A rebellion is gathering momentum in Scotland as the saltire is raised in protest against the plans to cut funding for sign-making courses.
Tuesday, 01 Apr 2014 16:44 GMT
Yes or No? Should funding for training sigh-makers in Scotland be scrapped?
For north of the border, the battle to secure funding for trainee sign-makers continues following plans to scrap the essential support for the industry. Along with many in the industry The British Sign and Graphics Association (BSGA) has lobbied long and hard to stop the threat that all funding would be withdrawn in Scotland for sign-makers.
Now, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills will fund reviews affecting the SVQ and MA levels, meaning the cuts are suspended for the moment. The BSGA says the fight to retain funding doesn’t stop there. Cogent, the Sector Skills Council for the Modern Apprenticeship in sign-making are conducting a complete review of the SVQ Levels and the Apprenticeship scheme.
Those supporting the campaign to keep the courses in place say with the independence referendum now in full voice, now is a good time to gain promises for future funding for training courses from both the Yes and No camps”
The BSGA has appealed to Scottish Sign makers to support the review by contacting Cogent and lobbying politicians. Those supporting the campaign to keep the courses in place say with the independence referendum now in full voice, now is a good time to gain promises for future funding for training courses from both the Yes and No camps.
Should funding for sign-makers be scrapped? Your views please to