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Revealed: the number one purchase for sign-makers

In our online survey conducted over the Christmas, New Year and January period no sign-maker say they will buy a computer in 2014.

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Digital age: sign-makers have listed their must-have buys this year in our poll

Instead a massive 42 percent from the huge online response have indicated they will be looking to purchase a digital printer. It is good news for the wide format industry who have geared up for the surge of interest in the equipment from sign-makers who have widened their customer base with window graphics, vehicle wrapping, point-of-sale and grand-format graphics amongst other new streams of work.

The SignLink survey also revealed that a third of those who responded indicated they would be investing in a router this year making it the second item on the sigh-makers’ shopping list.

In third place a new vehicle was the choice for buyers. Just over 16 per cent of sign-makers said they needed a van or car for deliveries or sales and marketing

In third place a new vehicle was the choice for buyers. Just over 16 per cent of sign-makers said they needed a van or car for deliveries or sales and marketing. Software was on the purchase must-have list for eight percent of those who replied and as mentioned computers were of no interest in January for sign-makers.

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