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UKPOS oils the wheels of progress

In a major commission for the sign industry supplier, UKPOS has revealed it provided the bespoke solution for Q8Oils launch of its ‘OilM8’ service

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The Q8Oils shelf talkers were manufactured at UKPOS’ facility in Greater Manchester

UK POS’ shelf talkers are used as holders to display promotions, price offers, and special services on the shelf edge.

OilM8 is an SMS text service, which is billed as, ‘taking the guesswork out of choosing automotive oil’.

Consumers simply text ‘Q8’ and their registration to 60999 and within seconds will receive a message with the correct Q8Oil for their vehicle.

Most oil purchases are made immediately, leaving the consumer little or no time to research and make an informed decision

“With a wide range of automotive oils in the marketplace, it can be confusing for the consumer,” says Louise Brunyee, marketing manager at Q8Oils, who adds: “Most oil purchases are made immediately, leaving the consumer little or no time to research and make an informed decision.
“Having designed the display inserts we needed a point of sale solution to ensure that the display had maximum impact for the consumer to aid their decision-making.”

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