MIID runs manufacturing master class
Surface pattern designer Rachael Taylor, whose signature style lies in different textures, layering and hand drawn artwork, is currently hosting a series of free videos on Make It In Design—an interesting opportunity for sign-makers looking to expand their design services.
Wednesday, 01 Apr 2015 11:19 GMT
Manufacturing your own products 'isn't for the faint hearted' says Make It In Design, which is why Rachael Taylor is on hand to share her industry secrets
The series will discuss how to manufacture your own product lines, including the benefits of bringing it in house, what you need to consider in the initial stages, how to get the best deals, and how to sell your products.
Taylor will bring her experience in illustration, design, and specialist knowledge in surface pattern design to the videos.
Starting on March 30th, the videos will run for five days until April 3rd. To view them, register on the Make It In Design website where you will then be able to catch up on any you have missed.