Two Sides urges industry to tell its story
Imagine a future where being green could actually increase your profitability, Jonathan Tame, country manager of Print Power and Two Sides explains.
Monday, 14 Mar 2016 11:45 GMT
Two Sides publishes a wealth of material and campaigns hard to change perceptions about the print and paper industries
Today most sizeable organisations have adopted a broad array of social and environmental commitments into their business strategy. From resource efficiency programmes of; using less energy, transport miles, reducing carbon emissions, raw material efficiency and creating less waste, to investing in social and local community programmes.
These Corporate Responsibility strategies touch virtually all points in their business from; HR attracting staff based on corporate values, procurement of their raw materials, to the products or services they sell. Effectively communicating these values is paramount to them and print can help them do this.
For most organisations a policy on print and paper procurement is an easy win. Responsible procurement through various labelling schemes, like FSC, PEFC, recycled and carbon reduction initiatives, offer a simple way to communicate their values and environmental commitment to customers and staff.
Are you getting return?
Whilst many print-service-providers have invested in environmental standards, many feel they have not got a return on investment and it is not winning them business. Why? Often the print buyer is focused on cost, as opposed to environment benefits, but commonly they are unaware of just how easily print can deliver on their organisations Corporate Responsibility.
Whilst many print-service-providers have invested in environmental standards, many feel they have not got a return on investment and it is not winning them business”
It is a fact that sustainability is a sales enabler, however, sustainability can be simple way for printers to add value to their print, helping customers meet their objectives. Here are just a few simple points:
Understand your customer’s sustainability objectives and how you can help deliver them.
Engage those responsible for this policy and not just the buyer.
Help them understand the benefits of using sustainable print and paper solutions, and develop a robust policy, or environmental statement, for their use of print and paper.
Use the appropriate logos on their printed documents.
Provide them with reports, information and benefits, in the amount of certified/recycled paper or the reduced carbon emissions.
Develop your own sales and marketing communications and be clear just how you can help clients reduce their environmental impacts.
Our industry has a great story to tell. For years the printing and paper industries have been focused on sustainability and reducing environmental impacts. Testament to this is the amount of measurement and disclosure our industry provides, which few others can match. Now it is time to tell that story and re-educate the consumer about just how environmentally-friendly our industry can be.