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Temperature-triggered campaign keeps people safe

The NHS has partnered with Clear Channel and production firm, VooDooh, to create an informative temperature-triggered digital display.

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The OOH campaign aims to keep the public safe as temperatures drop

A bus shelter will be used to display the digital advertisement, as well as digital phone kiosks and free-standing digital screens in Leeds.

The idea behind the digital sign was to reduce the impact cold weather can have on people susceptible to health complications during the winter months.

NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is behind the digital advertising campaign which seeks to warn people of the dangers of dropping temperatures.

One example of how the screens can help are warning people with asthma when the temperature is between 1°C and 8°C. Infographics will advise that the temperature could cause symptoms to worsen and remind people to carry their inhaler with them.

Research shows that even when the temperature is a relatively moderate 4°C to 8°C, there can be considerable health impacts especially for those with underlying health conditions

Dr Sarah Forbes, local GP and Associate Medical Director for NHS Leeds CCG describes how this is the first time a temperature-triggered out-of-home campaign has been used for this purpose.

She comments: “Many people will assume that with no snow on the ground and very few frosty mornings that the weather’s not cold or wintry enough to have an impact on their health.

“Research shows that even when the temperature is a relatively moderate 4°C to 8°C, there can be considerable health impacts especially for those with underlying health conditions particularly those that affect their breathing.”

According to the NHS, cold weather can cause an increase in heart attacks, strokes, respiratory disease, influenza, falls and injuries, and hypothermia.

The campaign started on February 10th and will run for four weeks. A regular message will ask people to be aware of weather warnings and to be mindful of any vulnerable neighbours.

If you have an interesting story or a view on this news, then please e-mail news@signlink.co.uk

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