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Renault tackles pollution with DOOH

A campaign by Renault and Publicis Romania has been launched which uses a giant billboard to address the issue of air pollution.

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Bucharest, Romania is Europe’s most congested city

In a bit to tackle high levels of pollution, Renault has launched a new 100% electric zero-emission car, however for many, the car is deemed unaffordable. To solve this issue, the car manufacturer has teamed up with the creative agency to launch the ‘DiscO2unt Billboard’.

Bucharest in Romania is Europe’s most congested city and the second most polluted capital in the European Union.

According to local Romanian news reports, the air pollution levels are up to ten times the normal level. The cause of this has been put down to old cars and heavy traffic jams.

The idea behind the campaign is that when the air pollution levels go up, the price of the car is reduced. A feature the firm says makes the car “more affordable right when the city needs it most”.

The campaign is featured on what is believed to be one of the largest digital displays in Europe – the CoCor MediaChannel. The screen is exposed to three million cars worth of traffic each month.

Living in Bucharest, you would see someone on your Facebook timeline posting ridiculously high pollution levels, measured maybe two blocks away from where you live or work

The display is connected to a sensor which collects real-time pollution levels. Using similar sensors in other areas, the system determined an average for the entire city.

Using a custom-made algorithm, the data is converted into discounts which can be accessed online.

Creative group director of Publicis Romania, Romulus Petcan, tells Little Black Book: “The idea was in the air, so to speak. Living in Bucharest, you would see someone on your Facebook timeline posting ridiculously high pollution levels, measured maybe two blocks away from where you live or work.

“So, what can you do? Holding your breath isn’t an option. Putting more electric cars on the road – that might be something. So, what’s stopping drivers? The price. Hey, maybe we can link pollution and price. Not bad. And from there the campaign started taking shape.”

When deciding how to bring the campaign to life through digital screens, Petcan explains that the firm initially considered using many smaller displays but wanted something with the visibility that the larger, higher screens gave and for the purpose of the campaign, in a high-emission area.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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