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A fifth of drivers ignore ‘red X’ motorway signs

As more of Britain’s smart motorways are now using the hard shoulder as a part-time or fully operational lane, new research has revealed that a fifth of drivers have driven into this lane when the ‘red X’ sign is showing.

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Drivers are not taking note of important signs on the motorway. Photo: Highways England

Despite 99% of drivers surveyed stating they know that the red X signifies the lane is closed, 23% of the RAC Opinion Panel admitted to disregarding the sign, either occasionally accidentally (19%), often accidentally (1%) or occasionally on purpose (3%).

“Smart motorways are now very much part of the fabric of England’s motorway network and will become even more commonplace in years to come with more being opened all the time,” says RAC spokesperson Simon Williams.

“Red X signs, which denote when lanes are closed, are paramount in safety terms as any stricken driver who has not managed to reach an SOS area is at tremendous risk of being involved in a collision with vehicles that ignore them.

“It is also extremely dangerous if road workers or emergency service staff are attending to an incident in the road.”

The Highway Code rule 258 states if red lights on the overhead signals flash above your lane and a red X appears, drivers must not go beyond the signal in that lane.

Red X signs, which denote when lanes are closed, are paramount in safety terms

“Our research found drivers understand very clearly what red Xs mean, yet worryingly far too many appear to have driven under one, dramatically putting themselves at risk of encountering a stationary vehicle or a worker in their path, and all the horrific consequences that could have,” adds Williams.

More than 160,000 warning letters have been sent to drivers who had either used sections of the hard shoulder when not permitted or had failed to comply with the red X sign.

Williams adds: “Highways England has been working hard to get the message across to drivers that they should not drive in lanes closed by red Xs, but there is still some way to go to ensure near total compliance.

“Regarding enforcement, we know Highways England is working with the Home Office to get the required legislation to allow cameras to catch those who break the rules of smart motorway driving in this way.”

The survey of 2,093 members of the RAC Opinion Panel were in favour of cameras being used to catch people driving under the red Xs, with two-thirds supporting the idea.

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