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Radecal to boost UK large-format print with Docan

Radecal Machines Sales and Service is set to further enhance growth within the large-format print market in the UK and Ireland after striking a key distribution deal with Docan

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Docan UV printers can run up to speeds of 45sq m/hr

Under the agreement, Radecal will serve as the sole distributor for Docan UV printers in the UK and Ireland.

Machines on offer range from models as small as 1.2m x 1.2m, up to 2.5 x 5m, opening up options for companies of all sizes in the region.

“When I first saw these machines in operation I knew that they would be a hit and they will more than compete with any of the current printers on the market,” explains Chris Economides, managing director of Radecal.

Our customers will be investing in a superb bit of kit adding huge value to their business for a fraction of the expected cost

“Our customers will be investing in a superb bit of kit adding huge value to their business for a fraction of the expected cost.”

Machines can reach speeds of up to 45sq m/hr and produce output of 1440dpi using UV lamp technology, while each device has litre-sized ink cartridges, a vacuum system as well as THK Mute Guide Rails for minimising noise and increasing accuracy.
As part of the distribution agreement, all Radecal engineers have been fully trained using the new kit and software, which will in turn allow the company to install machines, train customers and offer an onsite warranty.

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