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EFI taps into ‘big data’ market

EFI has launched a new software solution that offers marketers and brands an effective way of measuring signage impact and engagement data.

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EFI has launched Smartsign Analytics, a system which gathers data on the impact of print signage installations

.Launched a the recent ISA International Sign Expo, in Las Vegas, Smartsign Analytics (SSA) uses a webcam, that is connected to a webcam or tablet with both facial recognition and eye-tracking software to analyse the effectiveness of an installation.

“Print can drive relevance, revenue and profit in the age of big data, and this technology demonstration can show how that will happen with signage,” explains Mark McGowan, director, EFI OPS products.

He continues: “SSA has the potential to provide unprecedented insights on the best strategies and execution to drive retail sales.”

Print can drive relevance, revenue and profit in the age of big data, and this technology demonstration can show how that will happen with signage

In recent years marketers have taken issue with the offline world due to what they perceive as a difficulty tracking response rates when compared to digital platforms. 

Products such as EFI’s SSA can counteract that and may even offer insight into where the best places are in shopping centres and retail outlets for signage. 

The increased effectiveness the analytics provide could be a key driver in new print revenues over the next half decade.

SSA has the potential to provide unprecedented insights on the best strategies and execution to drive retail sales

EFI has also announced that London-based MTA Digital has installed its Pace and Digital Storefront software to help it meet an increased order book. 

Managing director, John Sinnott, says that integrating an MIS system alongside web-to-print capability was absolutely key to the firm’s future growth.

The device sits alongside MTA Digital’s Vutek QS2000 but also integrates with the firm’s smaller format equipment.

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