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Wednesday March 12, 2025
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Nuts and Bolts

Without nuts, bolts, and similar materials, even the most impressive signs would fail. Rob Fletcher finds out more and looks at some of the latest solutions available on the market

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Building blocks of the industry

“If you build it, they will come.” Although perhaps one of the most misquoted movie lines of all time, it is a phrase used frequently in the construction world and can also be applied to projects in the sign industry. All signs have a purpose, but as with construction work, these often magnificent structures would not be possible without tried and tested nuts and bolts.

As sign-makers in the industry will know, you can produce the most incredible signs, but without a reliable system to hold the application together, it will fail, meaning all of your hard work will go to waste. In addition, failure to use quality kit to hold a sign together raises serious questions regarding health and safety, as several recent cases in the national media have highlighted.

So, what can sign-makers do to ensure that they are investing in quality ‘nuts and bolts’, and how can they make sure they are using this type of kit to its best ability to achieve the best possible outcome in sign-making work?

Do not waste time

One respected company active in this sector of the industry is I Spi Trade, which is able to offer a range of nuts and bolts solutions to the market. Stephen Ferrie, company director, says that it is important to invest in quality kit for this type of work in order to avoid time-wasting scenarios that require sign-making firms to repair work that is only a few months, or even weeks, old.

I Spi Trade stocks a wide range of solutions for use in sign-making work, including a selection of sign fixings for various types of work

“The main reason I feel it is important to invest in quality materials is longevity, if the components are of a high quality then the sign-maker will not have the hassle of going back and forward to a completed job replacing faulty components,” Ferrie explains, adding: “I would also say that if the component is of a higher quality then it will look better to the client therefore getting his or her repeat business.

Stephen Ferrie of I Spi Trade says the company is able to support sign-makers producing work for use in a host of environments, such as coastal areas

“The dangers of going cheap would be as above: time wasted rectifying problems with signs completed weeks or even months ago. The worst case scenario would be a component completely failing, i.e. a wall mount, which could see a heavier sign coming completely off the wall, and the sign being badly damaged or, even worse, injuring someone.”

I Spi Trade offers a host of options to the industry, including aluminium sign fixings, double panel fixings, frame stands, panel fixings, screw covers, shelf supports, square sign fixings and standard fixings. Ferrie goes on to say that with such a large offering, the company is able to support a wide range of sign-making projects.

“Here at I Spi Trade we offer different options for wall mounts depending on the project,” he says, adding: “For example if a project is going outside in a coastal area, by the sea, we offer a 316 marine grade stainless steel option to avoid any corrosion.

“If a project is going somewhere like a school or a pub then we can offer a tamper proof option where the stand off can be ‘locked’ for added security. These again would keep the client happy as the correct option has been used for that particular project’s needs.”

Quality solutions

I Spi Trade is one of several leading industry names that has signed up to exhibit at this year’s inaugural edition of Signlink Live, which will run from October 11th to 13th at the International Centre in Telford. The event is designed to serve as a hub for the sign-making industry, showcasing the technology behind signs, while the co-located Print Show next door will focus more on the wide-format and commercial print industries.

Another company that has already confirmed its attendance at Signlink Live is FK Moore, a manufacturer and distributor of coverhead screws and fittings to the glass, sign-making and sign-maintenance, and shop fitting industries. The firm has been in business since 1890 and has witnessed plenty of change within the market, adapting its solutions to keep up with the evolving market.

FK Moore manufacturers all its components in the UK and has the largest sign-locator range available

In a statement on its website, FK Moore says: “We believe that the quality of product range is unrivalled in the industry. All products are machined to the highest possible specification, and available at a cost point that appears to belie this. In addition to our stock offering, the design and manufacture of bespoke parts of an economic quantity is a particular strength of F K Moore.”

The Ramsgate-based company has a plethora of solutions on offer to the sign industry, such as sign locator fixings, spacers, and wall fixing hang-offs, both externally and internally threaded coverheads, interscrews, drilled and tapped screws, and glass and mirror fittings and fixings.

FK Moore is also able to cater for customers concerned about the colour of their sign fixings, with a wide range of options on offer.

Cement of signage
Also well equipped to help sign-making companies is UK POS, which, as its name may suggest, specialises in point-of-sale display products. Debra Jamieson, sales and marketing director, says fixings and fittings are key in any form of signage, and calls for wise investment in this technology.

UK POS says its wall mount poster kits are a “favourite” with customers

Jamieson explains: “The fixings are the cement of your display; they hold everything securely in place and provide stability. Depending on your fixture, they can also be used over and over again no matter how many times you change your sign, so investing in higher quality items is a long-term investment.

“As well as investing, it is also important to research. Is your wall or ceiling strong enough to support your sign? What fixing is most suitable for your display? Will the temperature of your environment affect adhesive supports? There are many queries you should cover before you invest.”

With this in mind, Jamieson also goes on to issue a warning regarding under-investment in this area of production, saying that it could lead to serious issues in terms of health and safety.

Jamieson says: “We understand that customers can easily be attracted to low cost offers, but these products are cheap for a reason. Fixings and attachments that aren’t to a high standard can lead to numerous health and safety issues.

“For example, if you are suspending a poster from your ceiling with poor adhesive or wire with a low breaking point, if this display was to fall you would be liable for any damages or injuries. Fixings and fittings are one area of signage we strongly recommend spending a bit more on.”

Fixings and fittings are one area of signage we strongly recommend spending a bit more on

UK POS has a large selection of display solutions for signage, although Jamieson picks out the cable display kit as one of the most popular solutions, explaining that it is a modern way to display posters in a variety of sizes and orientations in windows or in-store. The cable display can be attached to a floor, ceiling or wall with stylish chrome fixings

UK POS bills its cable display kit as a modern way to display posters in various sizes and orientations in windows or in-store

Jamieson also highlights wall mount poster kits as another “favourite” with UK POS customers, saying that the solution provides a “stylish alternative” to the more traditional poster frames, as users can simply frame acrylic panel, giving their sign the “professional edge”.

In addition, for the more simplistic sign fixing, UK POS offers adhesive hanging buttons, magnetic hooks, and suction cups; while for a suspended display, the company stocks extending wire hooks, nylon wire, and ceiling clips.

Although perhaps not the most glamorous topic of discussion in the sign-making market, it is safe to say that without these magnificent nuts and bolts holding us together, the industry would not be in the position it is today.

O Factoid: Nick Holonyak Jr. developed the first visible-spectrum light-emitting diode (LED) in 1962 while working for General Electric.  O

While some may opt to pass by stands showing this type of kit at trade shows, in favour of checking out the latest wide-format printers or viewing a vehicle wrap demonstration, those that fail to pay enough attention to fixings and fittings are surely setting themselves up for a fall.

And it is for this reason that Signlink Live looks set to become such an important event on the UK calendar. As event director Chris Davies explains, the show is entirely committed to the sign-making market and, as such, will feature a host of companies from this sector in order to help visitors identify the best solutions for their business.

Davies comments: “We’ve all been to other shows that bill themselves as signage events, and while they may have a collection of stands looking at sign-making, they tend to focus more heavily on wide-format print. The purpose of Signlink Live is to split away from wide-format, with visitors seeking solutions in both markets able to visit The Print Show next door.”

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