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Blog Post By Harry Mottram

The campaign for more holidays starts here!

Those who have had a couple of weeks eating, drinking and generally enjoying themselves will have dragged themselves back to the shop floor with a heavy heart this week. Like all holidays you return to work wondering why you can't have more time off as the pressures of the working week become a distant memory. Which begs the question should we have more holidays or at the very least a few more bank holidays?

The obvious place in the calendar for a new bank holiday is the autumn where there's nothing between August and Christmas Day

I for one would vote for a political party that promised more official bank holidays since we have the lowest number of days off in Europe with just ten, while France enjoys 15 and Germany has 16. The obvious place in the calendar for a new bank holiday is the autumn where there's nothing between August and Christmas Day.

Half-term for schools usually fall at the end of October around Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night. To me that would be a candidate for a bank holiday while the school summer holiday has a bank holiday to finish up with so why not one near the start – say 1st August?

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