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Blog Post By Harriet Gordon

Ultra HD ready

When it comes to technology, I sometimes think we can’t possibly move any further than where we are today. How can tablets become thinner, how can phones have more apps, and how can HD screens possible become sharper?

Well, apparently they can. Ultra HD '4k' television has four times the resolution of the best current HDTV making it four times sharper. Whilst the technology is probably a long way off mainstream use, this should still cause the ears of those in digital signage to prick up.

The new ultra HD format does come with some technical challenges that will need to be overcome. For television screens, even standard HD is wasted on most viewers, who sit too far away from the screen to fully appreciate the detail it provides.

 Ultra HD '4k' television has four times the resolution of the best current HDTV making it four times sharper

With ultra HD you would need an 80 inch plus TV, which would dominate even the most spacious living room, and make a sizeable hole in anybody’s pocket. And, as an article in the Economist quite reasonably asks, who actually needs a super-sharp '4K' television?

Probably not many people. A '4K' digital sign, however, with the sharpest detail available to man will make quite a statement.

Located in public areas or across wide billboards, digital signs would not face the same sizing issues that come with televisions.

Whilst still a long way off, it will be worth keeping an eye on this cutting edge technology.

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