Users are able to register, upload and share their videos with the entire sign community, broadcasting their abilities around the world. Companies across the globe will be able to see what you are capable of, how you can address their own needs, and the general high quality that the UK industry can offer as a whole.
Sign makers are able to document their own work and show prospective clients exactly what they can achieve, while suppliers can upload videos to demonstrate how the kit actually works and what it can offer. It also gives manufacturers the chance to address maintenance and troubleshooting issues.
Every week also broadcasts its pioneering bulletin
Sign7 News—e-mailed to the whole database each week and disseminated via social media—which gives an easily digestible five minute run down of the most important stories from the last week in the industry. Importantly, this marketing drive draws viewers into the website, rather than waiting for them to come.
It also offers a solution to sign-related videos being dispersed over hundreds of separate company websites or being lost on super-sites like YouTube—which, unlike, has no consistent marketing drive or viewer capture service.
This voluntary collective pooling of knowledge and sharing of information to improve the industry as a whole speaks to the best in our nature.
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