E-Mail Marketing
Our e-mail marketing service gives you the means to spread the word about your business to the sign industry within 48 hours.
Instant impact
E-mail marketing, when done correctly, can achieve truly exceptional results. It is certainly the fastest medium to get your message across to the whole of the printing industry,
as we can send any text- or HTML-based email out on your behalf to over 10,000 industry contacts within a three-hour period. According to our experience, your company will receive the majority of feedback within
48 hours of the e-mail arriving in potential customers’ inboxes. You really will receive quick results with this medium.
Measured results
The service does not end with sending your e-mail out. After one week we will provide you with a full statistics report on how many e-mails were sent and how many reached their recipients.
Providing leads
We also provide you with perhaps the most important piece of information. Not only can we supply click-through numbers, we can also give you details on who those interested companies are. This really is a list of hot
leads—companies who are genuinely interested in your company or the products and services you are providing.
E-mails that we send out typically include dynamic links, primarily in order to provide the recipient with more information about the product or service by directing them to
the sender’s website. By sending the e-mail out on your behalf, we can monitor who is clicking on these dynamic links and what, specifically, they are clicking on.
A relevant e-mail list
Databases are only as good at the data held on them. We make a point of validating every one of our database contacts every twelve months and currently we have details for more than 10,000 contacts.
Specific targeting
As well as mailing to the whole database, we can be more specific in the selection process, such as by refining the list based on postcode area or company type.
A cost-effective medium
The cost to email the full SignLink database of over 10,000 contacts is £795. This is based on one mailing and assumes that copy is supplied by yourself. This includes providing full data and lead generation reports.
Providing leads
We provide information on business leads in two files, in Microsoft Excel format. The first contains the dynamic links on which recipients have clicked, while the second includes
full contact information for these companies. This data is subsequently yours to keep for
future marketing purposes.
Quality business intelligence
The ability to provide high quality and clean business leads is something that sets us apart from our competitors. This service most importantly helps you to identify possible new customers and future marketing opportunities, an invaluable asset when it comes to growing your company’s turnover.
General E-shot Specifications
Files must be supplied in HTML format using Tables with CSS inline only (if styles are required) and 625 pixels maximum recommended width. Use basic web fonts only: any unusual symbols, e.g. curly quotes, en-dashes, etc generally will not work on most email programes unless you use html code equivilents. Keep your code simple. Layers and background images not recommened. All images must be RGB and 72dpi.
Must use tables and all hyperlinks must be absolute.
Must be hosted by client, all hyperlink & img src addresses must be absolute.
‘Absolute’ and ‘relative’ links:
If you are unsure of the difference between an absolute and relative link, the following examples should make it clearer:
An ‘absolute’ link defines a specific location of the web file or document including: The protocol to use to get the document, the server to get it from, the directory it is located in, and the name of the document itself.
With a ‘relative’ link, the search engine spiders and browsers already know where the current document is located. Thus, if you link to another document in the same directory, you will not need to write out the full URL. Only the file name is necessary.