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Billboard used in kidney search

The family of a man who is suffering from kidney failure has taken to the wide-format skies to find a potential donor.

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The family of Todd Heller are using billboards to search for a kidney donor

Todd Heller is vice president of digital products for outdoor advertising firm, Formetco. Heller is currently living with stage five kidney disease and is on dialysis while he waits for a new kidney.

The family initially launched a website to help spread the word of their search and to provide potential donors with the information they need to make an informed decision.

However, as time has passed, the campaign has been taken up a notch with the addition of a billboard which reads: “Can you help save my dad’s life? Is your kidney a match? DonorForDad.com.”

Since the billboard was erected, the family has been flooded with inquiries and applications, demonstrating the wide reach this form of signage can offer.

The billboard advertising is working. We are still in the midst of trying to find a match for my dad, but we are now getting many inquiries and applicants since the billboards have gone up

Speaking to Billboard Insider, Kara Heller, the daughter of Todd Heller says: “The billboard advertising is working. We are still in the midst of trying to find a match for my dad, but we are now getting many inquiries and applicants since the billboards have gone up.”

According to Tara Heller, before the family turned to billboards for advertising the cause they were receiving around 30-40 inquiries a week and now they are receiving almost 1000.

She adds: “Through all of this we have realised how many truly thoughtful, kind and caring people there are in this world.

“We really believe that the billboards will be successful in finding a donor for my dad. We know this will take some time as only one person can be tested at a time. We would appreciate if you can keep these ads running because they are generating so much interest.”

According to the National Kidney Foundation, over 2 million people worldwide currently receive treatment with dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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