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Motorway signage causing careless driving

Concerns have been raised following research linking the poor visibility of motorway signage, due to overgrown shrubbery and high-sided vehicles, to an increase in careless driving.

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Poor visibility of signage is causing careless driving

A report by Transport Focus confirms that being unable to read the signs is causing sudden lane changes and manoeuvres to leave the motorway due to a lack of preparation.

The research was driven by statistics which reveal that in most countries, 40 to 60% of the total number of accidents occur at junctions.

The report found that half of motorway users say junction numbers are sometimes or often obscured when they travel.

Almost one in five respondents admitted that an obscured junction number has caused them to drive poorly and many claim to have seen poor driver behaviour at junctions.

Transport Focus recommends that Highways England reviews the position of junction numbers on road signs

In terms of what is causing visibility of the signs to be obstructed, 74% blamed large vehicles, 47% blamed overgrown vegetation, and 36% blamed damaged or work signs.

In light of its findings, Transport Focus recommends that Highways England reviews the position of junction numbers on road signs to ensure “maximum visibility for the safety and convenience of all road users.”

Speaking to The Telegraph, a spokesperson for Highways England says: “We welcome any research which we can add to our own insight to help us better understand road users’ needs and improve their experiences on our roads.”

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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