Interactive platform helps allergy sufferers
Following the death of a teenager who ate a Pret A Manger baguette in 2016 and suffered a severe allergic reaction, questions were raised over the integrity of food labelling rules and as a result, a new regulation called ‘Natasha’s law’ is to be implemented.
Tuesday, 25 Jun 2019 11:24 GMT
The interactive signage allows customers to check allergen information on non-pre-packaged food in supermarkets
The law, which is due to come into place in 2021, states that food businesses have to include full ingredients labelling on pre-packaged food.
Speaking to the BBC, environment secretary Michael Gove says: “These changes will make food labels clear and consistent and give the country’s two million food sufferers confidence in making safe food choices.”
The current laws state that pre-packaged supermarket sandwiches have to list full ingredients including allergens, over-the-counter sandwiches that are made to order in front of the customer are not currently required to have a label, and pre-prepared sandwiches made on the premises do not currently need to have a label, just a sign prompting customers to inquire about allergens.
Communication technology specialists TMM Group has designed and implemented an interactive tool that enables shoppers to access information about allergens and ingredients of non-prepacked foods easily.
These changes will make food labels clear and consistent and give the country’s two million food sufferers confidence in making safe food choices”
The tool, which uses the firm’s digital signage platform Waapiti, has been rolled out in Bonpreu – a chain of supermarkets in Catalonia.
The benefit of the tool is that users can access information in different languages, and the screen can be updated depending on each store and the individual products on sale.
The interactive solution is displayed in a 16 or 22in multi-touch display and the screens can be integrated into different kiosks, mounted on the wall or used in a stand-alone device.
Whilst allergen information for non-pre-packaged food is now required to be made readily available, this tool allows customers to access the necessary information quickly and efficiently.
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