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City centre gets signage revamp

Retford town centre will benefit from a signage revamp including improved signage and modernised street furniture, as a result of £45,000 funding from Bassetlaw District and Nottinghamshire County councils.

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Councillor Jim Anderson, Basetlaw District Council; Rick Brand, chair of Retford Business Forum; councillor John Handley, Nottinghamshire County Council; Pam Barnsdale, Retford Civic Society; and councillor Michael Story, Bassetlaw District

The funding package, which is being split evenly between the district and county councils, will be used to create wayfinding signs and displays to showcase the town’s heritage sites and amenities for visitors.

The funding comes after the need for improved directional signage and information throughout the town was highlighted as part of a signage strategy, commissioned by the District Council and supported by Retford Business Forum and Retford Civic Society.

Commenting, councillor John Handley, vice-chairman of communities and place committee at Nottinghamshire County Council says: “Retford has many stunning historical features, which this scheme will help to highlight.

“I am delighted that we have been able to fund this project in time for the 2020 Mayflower Pilgrim anniversary celebrations, which we anticipate will generate an increase in visitors to Retford and a significant boost to the North Nottinghamshire economy.”

By providing attractive and clear signage and information throughout the town, we hope that visitors of all ages and abilities will be safely directed to all the key amenities

The project aims to improve and enhance the local environment and add value to the visitor experience while benefitting the community and the local economy.

“By providing attractive and clear signage and information throughout the town, we hope that visitors of all ages and abilities will be safely directed to all the key amenities, assets and services that the town has to offer,” explains Rick Brand, chair of Retford Business Forum.

“Heritage buildings and sites within the town will also be clearly identified so that the public can visit and learn about the history and heritage of the town and the surrounding villages, adding value to Retford’s Heritage Trail and Guides,” concludes Brand.

If you have any news, please email carys@linkpublishing.co.uk or join in with the conversation on Twitter.

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